My mother has always been an inspiration to me. She is a strong, brave woman and she often carries the world on he shoulders. She also is losing weight. She has now lost 56 pounds and is getting skinnier by the day. She is going to be fit and forty…(before her 41st bday in April.) Go, mom! In fact, she is the reason how come I’ve gotten back on track (Friday evening) … Here is the scary thing.
She weighs a mere 4 pounds more than me! ( I am 2 inches taller, but still…numbers do count.) Crazy, right??? Speaking of four pounds. That is how much I went down after two very intense and very religiously sticking to my whole foods. For example. I work at an Italian style restaurant. Spaghetti is in it’s name. Even though, on Saturday night, I was really craving a pesto or sea food Alfredo… I avoided it. So hard to do when a plate costs a mere $2!!!
Besides the carbo-load of pastas that I for-went there was also some other small sacrifices I had to make. For example, on Sunday at 11:30, we have this thing called “Cafe Connect” where the church ladies do fresh baking each week. I passed on the raspberry glazed scone. These days when it comes to food, I think of Finding Nemo… It used to be that a certain food would come into my head and I’d get very very OCD about it (obsessive-compulsive) Since I had thought about that particular food I had to eat it. When I realized this unhealthy pattern, I was kind of embarrassed. Now it’s “oh look a Skor bar…. SKOR BAR OH I WANT IT I WANT IT!!!…..” but instead of purchasing it, I just keep walking.. just keep walking, just keep walking walking walking……
Last night at our final girl’s bible study we had Icecream Sundaes! (sundaes on a sunday)…. we each brought a topping…. anything delicious. My mom’s nanny brought a boatload of gummy bears.. I bought 4 Reese’s pb cups and cut them into little chunks… Moral of the story? Little Sally here, did not eat anything for the whole evening. At all. Not a lick of a spoon, not a head of a gummy bear. Nada.
hey, did you see how I called myself Little there?
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: australia, finding Nemo, gummy bear, healthy, ice-cream, italian, mom, mother, my mom, pasta, self control, spaghetti, weight loss